I went electronic!!!
I fought against getting rid of my paper calendar for my outlook calendar for years. I am VERY visual and I couldn't carry computer around with me everywhere so I refused to switch.
In February when I switched to AT&T for phone service. I made the plunge. Now my life is in living electronic color.
Looking back at my calendar has reminded me of all the lunches, dinners, meetings and coffees I have had with the many people God has allowed me to come in contact with this year.
I have seen Him do some pretty awesome things in people's lives...
-restoring worth where shame and guilt lived
-healing broken hearts
-giving life
-opening eyes to His truth and love
-bringing joy and freedom
-allowing belief in truth instead of lies
-watching the struggle to trust and believe Him and His faithfulness always there
-scripture bringing hope
-freedom from bondage
-light into darkness
It has been a pretty awesome year. So grateful to all who have let me into their lives to see God working!
I CANT BELIEVE THIS!!! You are just giving in everywhere!