This last July I was blessed to go to Ethiopia with the Fournet family to pick up their twins, Beck and Deshi. Truly it was an amazing trip, getting to see this family together, lots and lots of prayers later!
I also got to go visit Kidmia. An organization helping orphans in rural Ethiopia. You can visit their sight here to see what they are about,
http://www.kidmia.org/. You can also click here to hear about our adventures and see a few pics from our trip...
http://www.kidmia.org/2009/08/the-fournets-visit-to-kidmia/ .
Before going I sent an email offering my friends a chance to partner with them by donating money to buy sheep, chickens and books for the kids. While I was there we got to purchase 2 of the sheep, we actually got 4 for the price of 2 because they were both pregnant. They have had their babies now. They have also purchased all the chickens and I received an email the other day that the hens are producing eggs. What an amazing thing. It warmed my heart today to think about kids half way around the world eating eggs that my friends were a part of bringing to them.
So all that to say... thanks friends for partnering with me to bless this kiddos!
Yay! Thanks Lord.